menu planning

ADHD Friendly Dinners

My brain was rarely happy about making dinner. 5pm would roll around and with the the Mount Everest tasks of chopping, cutting and cooking before me, my brain whispered, "we can't do dinner, let's eat chocolate, and make sure it's in the laundry room because that's the only door with a lock the kids can't [...]

By | 2018-03-28T16:36:25+00:00 April 8th, 2017|Adhd menu, dinner, Food|0 Comments

5 minutes to make: ADHD friendly lunches

Lunch dilemma: I have hyper-focused on a project and have forgotten to eat. You might think I would lose weight this way. You would be wrong. When my blood sugar gets low enough, I turn into a ravenous bear, just coming out of hibernation, willing to devour any type of junk food:   Here are [...]

By | 2018-03-28T16:34:36+00:00 April 1st, 2017|Adhd menu, Food, lunch, Weight Watchers|0 Comments

ADHD Breakfast Menu: 8 Healthy Options in 5 Minutes or Less

Dear people who tell me to make a big batch of food ahead of time so I can eat healthy for the rest of the week, My ADHD brain translates "ahead of time" to five minutes late. I need a breakfast I can make in one minute and eat in the car while I'm putting [...]

By | 2018-03-28T16:34:44+00:00 March 22nd, 2017|ADHD, Adhd menu, breakfast, Food, Weight Watchers|0 Comments